cargo hold

美 [ˈkɑːrɡoʊ hoʊld]英 [ˈkɑːɡəʊ həʊld]
  • 货舱
cargo holdcargo hold


the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
Synonym: cargo area cargo deck hold storage area


  1. A section of the cargo hold is reserved for vehicle transportation .


  2. The management of ventilating in cargo hold is of vital importance to the freight transport quality , economic benefit and the international prestige of our country in shipping .


  3. A fire had been reported in the cargo hold .


  4. Numerical Simulation of Airflow Distribution in Ventilation System of Ship Cargo Hold


  5. I 'm in the cargo hold . Clear . Clear .


  6. The Mathematical Model and Simulation of Ventilation and Dehumidification System in Cargo Hold


  7. Study on Acid Pickling Passivation of Stainless Steel Chemical Liquid Cargo Hold


  8. Research on the Direct Calculating Method for the Bulk Carrier Cargo Hold Based on Ship Experiment


  9. Technical requirements and testing methods for temperature and humidity instruments for cargo hold of vessel


  10. Later the day , they found the body in the cargo hold of the ship .


  11. An Experimental Formula of Determining Refrigerating Capacity Required by Refrigerated Cargo Hold


  12. Air flow capacity calculation of ventilation for air cooling type reefer containers carried in cargo hold


  13. Optimizing method of loading weight of each turn for bulk carrier The Design for Advance Transport Cargo Hold


  14. Bosun : The third officer fell into the cargo hold .


  15. An estimated one million animals fly each year in America , usually in a plane 's cargo hold .


  16. Brief introduction of cargo hold ventilation of reefer container vessel Block Coefficient of Full Containerships


  17. On Strengthening the Openings in the Floors of CSR Bulk Carriers ' Cargo Hold


  18. He 's got a stateroom listed as a cargo hold on the manifest .


  19. The test results indicated that , water depth in the cargo hold has a significant influence on the ship roll inchon .


  20. The simulation and design of ventilation and dehumidification system in cargo hold Determination of outdoor weather conditions for dehumidification by ventilation


  21. This paper gives a brief introduction of cargo hold ventilation of air cooled and water cooled reefer container vessel .


  22. A Chinese teenager has been found hiding in the cargo hold of an Emirates passenger jet that had flown from Shanghai to Dubai .


  23. System modification design for container ship is described in the article , including piping in cargo hold , piping in second tier of compartments and the modification design of CO 2 system .


  24. Traditional defences at national borders are no protection against a microbe incubating in an unsuspecting traveller or an insect hiding in a cargo hold .


  25. In January , the FAA issued a warning that lithium-ion batteries in a cargo hold carried the risk of a catastrophic hull loss on an airplane .


  26. The air volume , ventilation layout , noise , fire fighting of cargo hold for Yanda Train Ferry are studied and the high & low CO_2 system is compared in this article .


  27. An explosion in the cargo hold and the ensuing fire forced the pilots to put the plane down in the Atlantic , a few hundred miles from Ireland .


  28. Brief introduction of cargo hold ventilation of reefer container vessel Based on the theories of hydrodynamics and thermodynamics , a dynamic mathematical model of cargo hold ventilation and dehumidification system is presented .


  29. With rear seats that fold down flat to the floor and a hatchback with a low sill height , the Fit can have an enormous and easily accessible cargo hold .


  30. A simulating software based on the dynamic mathematical model of cargo hold ventilation and dehumidification system is presented . It can emulate the responding process of system 's temperature , pressure , related humidity under all kinds of operating modes .
